SHINE Women's Network

23 March 2021

Have you attended our monthly SHINE Women’s Network yet?
Open to our female members, out SHINE meetups are an ideal safe space for women to meet, talk about things that are important and relevent to them, connect with progressive likeminded others and find solutions.

Our SHINE Network events take place on the 3rd Friday of the month and offer lots of fun and information. If you’re new to our Community and female, why not come along and find out more.

Here are what some of our attendees had to say…

Benefits – feeling part of a reciprocal community of like minded women.

S Thompson

 It was such a great meeting on Friday Sandra & I’ve already connected with some of the amazing women who attended.  Really keen for more of this!

A Yoston

So why not join us this month and find out what all the hype is about. You never know, you may even become one of our new SHINE Members.

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