Good Company, Fun, and Food
16 December 2022
If you missed out SHINE Christmas Lunch this year, you missed another really great gathering. A diverse, warm and inspirational group of members and guests spent the afternoon sharing food, ideas, and discussions. A community where getting to know each other is what counts.
The venue was Chutney Ivy, in the centre of Leicester and we had members join us from as far away as London. Several guests brought colleagues and friends along to share in the wonderful community spirit, whilst one event brought her mother with her. And we were introduced to our youngest member (her image is not shown) who is only months old.

This is Cyrlene Braithwaite, Founder of Britain’s Got Reggae, who came up from London to join us, bringing her mother along to enjoy the occasion.
A few of our Women’s Awards 2022 Winners and Finalists who were unable to attend the 9th September Awards Dinner and Presentation were invited to join us so that we could present them with their well-earned Certificates and Trophies.
We were pleased to present Patsy Andrews,(centre) Finalist in the Outstanding B.A.M.E. Female Leader of the Year 2022. This award was sponsored by Dare to Diva and presented by Founder Carol Leeming MBA (right) who also happens to be Patron of The Women’s Awards – East Midlands.

Sam Cattell, Winner of the Outstanding Woman in Professional Service Award 2022 was also able to receive her Trophy and Certificate. This was sponsored by Rob Spence, Founder of Paragon Sales Solutions.

This was also an opportunity for our Community members to meet the SHINE Board Members in person. As you can tell this is a fun-loving group of people, with a serious determination to provide development and support opportunities to give recognition to women.

Board Members from right to left: David Major, Founder of Creative Directions, Ru Barnett, Admin Officer, Open Mind Training & Development Ltd, Anjuu Travedi MBE, Senior Partnerships Development Manager NSCC, Twycross Zoo, Leanne Bonner-Cooke MBE, CEO of E-Bate and Chair of the SHINE Board, Sandra Pollock OBE, Founder SHINE & The Women’s Awards, Carol Leeming MBE, Founder of Dare to Diva and The Women’s Awards – East Midlands Patron, and Sue Grogan, Founder of Joined Up Working.

It was great visiting the wonderful Shaf Islam and Chutney Ivy again this year where the service is always good and the food excellent.
SHINE events always offer great opportunities to meet some of the most diverse, dynamic, and interested group people from across our regions. Here are a few more images from our last event of this year.
Huge thanks to this year’s sponsors, Creative Directions, Tilton Conway, Paragon Sales Solutions, Dare to Deva, Fab Clinics, Cosy Direct, AVP, Smilin Occasionz, Open Mind Training & Development, WIMUK, LightUp Creatives, Bev Sankey and Some-Antic.
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