The Women’s Awards are open to all women across:
- the East Midlands Region (which covers the counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire, and Rutland),
- the West Midlands Region (which covers Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and West Midlands).
- All other areas across the UK will fall into the National.
Entries are sought from, or on behalf of, women who have made an outstanding impact in their field of expertise, in relation to the categories listed.
Join us in recognising, celebrating, and raising the profile of truly worthy women in the Midlands.
The Women’s Awards will continue to follow UK Government guidelines on Covid-19 pandemic.
This may affect some of our activities going forward.
- Nominations for 2025 will open on Tuesday 2nd January 2025
- Nominations will close on Monday 30th June 2025
- Shortlisting will take place the week commencing 1st July 2025.
- Judging will take place the week commencing 14th July 2025.
- The date for The Women’s Awards Gala Presentation and Dinner is to be confirmed. Official start time 7pm.
Please note the following rules when making your nominations:
- Individuals may be nominated by someone else or may nominate themselves.
- All entries will be treated confidentially.
- Nominations for each nominee are limited to a maximum of two categories only. Separate supporting information must be provided for each nomination category.
- If you wish to be considered for or to nominate an individual for, more than one category, please submit one separate nomination form per category.
- Nominees will be contacted and offered the opportunity to provide additional information to support their nomination. SHINE TOGETHER CIC and The Women’s Awards reserve the right to withdraw any nomination where either the nominee has not responded to the request for additional information, it is felt the information provided is insufficient or the nomination information submitted does not meet requirements. Such nominations will not be considered for shortlisting.
- Shortlisted nominees for some categories may be asked to provide additional information relevant to the award category. For example, the categories of Outstanding Female Entrepreneur, Professional Services, and Education. This will be clearly explained when the nominee is contacted.
- Nominees for any category for the East Midlands Women’s Awards must live and work within the counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire or Rutland and have done so for the past 36 months.
- Nominees for any category for the West Midlands Women’s Awards must live and work within the counties of Herefordshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, or West Midlands and have done so for the past 36 months.
- Nominees for any category for the Women’s Awards must live and work within the other countries of the United Kingdom and have done so for the past 36 months.
- Posthumous nominations will not be accepted.
- Nominees, shortlisted candidates, and winners must consent to press and media coverage, and promotion for all Women’s Awards used in sponsorship/promotional materials by the organising organisation, sponsors, and all media streams without payment or permission.
- Nominees must not have any pending or ongoing legal proceedings that will bring the Women’s Awards into disrepute.
- Nominees for the East Midlands Women’s Awards must be available to attend The Women’s Awards Gala Presentation and Dinner for the East Midlands Awards will take place on – Date & Venue to be confirmed. Official start time 7pm.
- Nominees for The Women’s Awards West Midlands must also be available to attend The Women’s Awards Gala Presentation and Dinner for the respective presentation. Further information on these events will be provided as soon as available and both Nominee and Nominator informed.
- By nominating a nomination, you are agreeing that the nominee you have selected will be happy to be contacted and this individual’s name may be used in any related publicity by SHINE TOGETHER CIC, The Women’s Awards, partners, and sponsors without payment or permission.
- By submitting your nomination, you agree that SHINE TOGETHER CIC, The Women’s Awards and partners may share your submission with their affiliates for the purpose of reviewing it and the Judging process.
- Unfortunately, entries cannot be returned so please keep a copy of your nomination for your own records.
- Entries can be made using the online entry form or emailed to
- Strict compliance with word count must be maintained in the nomination form, although there is the facility to upload additional documentation and provide URL links to further information.
- All nominees must be aged 18 or over on the date of their nomination.
- All nominees must be those who identify as female (with the exception of the Inspirational Male Supporting Women Leaders category, in which case the nominee must identify as male).
- The Women’s Awards welcome nominations from members of the LGBTQIA+ communities.
- Winners will be announced at the gala dinner which will take place on the dates, as noted above.
- SHINE TOGETHER CIC, The Women’s Awards and its Affiliates and Partners will not be responsible unless required by law, for any loss, changes, costs, or expenses, that may arise in connection with this competition, and SHINE TOGETHER CIC, can cancel or alter the Awards process and requirements at any stage.
- Judges’ decisions are final.
- Any dispute relating to the competition shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.